Common to all current Sidewinder Tree Injectors is the stainless steel rotary injector nozzle direct coupled the a heavy duty Makita 12 volt Drill.

Tree Injection Backpack
Self contained system including drill/injector, battery pump and chem container. Suitable for injecting all types of pesticides and use in steep terrain by small farm owners and contractors.
Cactus & Succulent Backpack injector
Also developed for herbicide injection in rough terrain environmentally sensitive locations and with five metre cable

Banana Backpack Spear Injector
Multipurpose backpack spear injector, desuckering and butt injecting spear, bell injecting spear and bunch spray tips.

Injection Site Sealing plugs
Inserted into the tree by the drill/injector, a must if using pesticides in public places or where rapid healing of the injection site is desired.